Monday, April 25, 2016

Reading Diary, Week 14: Russian Folktale Unit

For this week's readings I decided to explore the Russian Folktale Unit. This unit included many spooky, supernatural characters.

One story I found very interesting was called The Dead Mother. In this story, the mother died after giving birth to her son. Every night, the dead  mother would visit her baby son and give him milk. In the end of the story, the "kinsfolk" saw the mother and realized that the baby boy was dead too! This story was very ere and kept me on the edge of my seat. I really enjoyed this story because it was completely different than anything else I have read this semester!

Another story I thought was interesting was called The Bad Wife. This story was about a husband and wife who hated each other. This story was very strange and sad. In the story, the husband killed his wife in a pit. At the end of the story it said "and the wife still sits in the pit to this day." The ending of this story was very creepy for me. It was scary to imagine a lady sitting in a pit waiting for her husband.

The Russian Folktale Unit readings were a lot different than I had expected them to be. For my story this week, I would like to take a twist on one of these tales. I think it would be fun to take a scary story and to make it happy and/or funny at the end! Overall, this unit was interesting to read... but I wouldn't suggest it for anyone who gets scared easily!

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