Friday, January 15, 2016

Introduction: Madison Williams

Hi, my name is Madison (or Matty) Williams and I am a senior at OU. I will graduate this May with a degree in public relations and minors in health and exercise sciences and Spanish. To be honest, I am really bad at starting these… so I am going to jump right into it and share some entertaining, random facts about me!

(Katy Perry concert in Tulsa)

Some of my favorite hobbies include running, yoga, scuba diving and camping. I guess you could say I am a very active person! Two years ago, I completed my first half marathon in Oklahoma City. Staying busy and active helps me relieve stress and stay healthy. In contrast, when I am not on the move, I love to read a good book, write in my journal or relax on the couch. I am learning the importance of having a balanced lifestyle and I strive to live a simple, wholesome life.

(Scuba diving in Hawaii)

On most days, I like to consider myself a “positive thinker” and a “joyful young lady.” Some things that can always put a smile on my face include Oklahoma sunsets, spending time with my family, going on walks, attending concerts, warm candles and rainy (or cozy) days. I love spending one-on-one time with others and learning how to go through this thing called “life” together.

(Spending time with friends)

Although I am commonly known as a “health nut”… I still have my splurges. My favorite food items include pancakes, peanut butter, sushi, granola, frozen yogurt, peanut butter, coffee, carrot cake and did I mention peanut butter?! As I have grown older, my sweet tooth has also grown stronger and stronger. If I am ever in a bad mood, I know that anything coated in dark chocolate can cheer me right up!

Last but not least, I have many goals and dreams for my time spent here on earth. Some of my dreams include traveling the world (maybe in a RV!), finding a job that I love, becoming yoga certified, learning how to play an instrument, going on a mission’s trip in a different country, getting married and eventually starting my own family. Although I think it is very important to have goals and dreams, I believe it is even more important to be happy wherever you are and with whatever circumstance life gives you. During my lifetime, my ultimate goals are to put others before myself and to share the love of Jesus Christ.


  1. I totally endorse your happy and simple approach to life, Matty! Although I ended up teaching online and living in rural North Carolina totally by accident (we moved here when my husband retired from OU to take care of his very elderly father; teaching online meant I got to keep my job even after we moved), I am really happy with how it worked out: I live in the middle of nowhere with trees all around, and by teaching online I don't have to commute or go to meetings or mess with office politics — yes, I can start the workday in my PJs, ha ha. I also love sushi, and one of the few things that does lure us down to the big city (we live north of Raleigh-Durham) is to go get sushi... in fact, we might even do that next week to celebrate the start of the new semester for me! I hope you will enjoy this class, and I am sure you will find lots of connections with your goals and dreams.


  2. Hey Matty, I’m so happy that I get to read your posts! You look like your having so much fun in all your pictures, I love it! I love peanut butter too and could eat spoonful’s of it plain. Unfortunately I don’t like sushi and am jealous of everyone that does because I think it looks so pretty. Good luck on sticking to eating healthy, I’m with you on loving sweets as well. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  3. Hi Matty! That is so awesome that you are graduating this May! Congrats! I am also a public relations major! I also love dark chocolate and sushi! That is so cool that you have already completed a half marathon at such a young age. That is something to be proud of! I look forward to reading more of your work this semester!

  4. Hey Matty,

    Uhm, oh my gosh, you sound a lot like me! Haha, not to be weird...but I love the outdoors, hiking, walking, being active, going on walks, JESUS, and PEANUT BUTTER. AND I'm a Professional Writing major minoring in HES. And I love to eat healthy, too, and chocolate. And yeah, PEANUT BUTTER. One year my aunt bought me a peanut butter of the month club for Christmas... so yeah, I like it. Also, I think I might have seen you at Victory... is that where you go to church? Cause it's where I go, too! haha.

    Anyway, it's nice to meet you! And now this statement will sound slightly conceited, but you sound really cool! ;p haha. I hope you enjoy this class!

    1. Oh, and I love Katy Perry! I'm dying to go to a concert! So lucky you! Was it awesome???

  5. Congratulations on graduating this spring! You are definitely a very active person. I like camping too, although it has been a while since we have gone. I also love rainy days. I find them comforting and relaxing. Great job sticking with your healthy habits. It can be very hard to keep up with, especially with a busy schedule. Good luck with your final semester.

  6. Hey!
    You seem to have a great life going for you, thats awesome! I am super jealous of the scuba diving! It on my to do list, I have been wanting to go so bad. I am also know to be pretty healthy. I really enjoy cooking with all fresh foods. Carrot Cake is also one of my favorites!

    I really dig your healthy and happy lifestyle. Our time here on earth isn't always the longest so we should make the most of it! It is always important to be happy!

    Congrats on graduating this May!

  7. Hi Matty! I'm also a PR major, how cool! I love that you spend so much time outdoors and being active, that is one of the things in my life that I really need to work on increasing. Did you run the OKC memorial half marathon in April? I had some friends train for that last year and they said it was the most rewarding experience.

  8. Matty,
    You seem like a very interesting person and I definitely share a lot of your hobbies! I absolutely love to camp and travel! I have been snorkeling before (the amateur version of scuba diving I guess) when I was really young; my Dad was skeptical about me scuba diving at a young age but I do regret not trying it! I too share a lot of your favorite foods like dark chocolate, peanut butter, and SUSHI! My girlfriend works at Oasian Fusion also and brings home free sushi all the time for us! I never get tired of it. I literally live for art and music also, I attend as many music festivals and concerts my finances will allow! Lastly, I have never tried yoga, but I really want to so I think that has now moved higher on my "to-do" list.

  9. Hey Matty! I’m actually majoring in Health and Exercise Science so I think it’s really cool that you have it as one of your minors. I also like to run to relieve stress, but I definitely am not ready for a half marathon yet! That must have been the best feeling completing your first one! Do you ever plan on trying to run a full marathon? You seem to live life to the fullest and have a ton of fun. I love all of the pictures you’ve included in your introduction!

  10. Hi Matty!
    I'm so glad I get to "meet" you and get to know you! You sound like such a well rounded person and that is something I really aspire to. I am also graduating in May and I also have a minor in health and exercise science, how funny. One thing I have noticed over the course of reading so many introductions is that almost everyone has something in their life that I can relate to. I find this discovery super cool. I hope you have a fantastic last semester and a life full of blessings from God!

  11. Hi Madison! I’m a senior too and I am graduating this May. Can’t believe our four years are already over it is crazy how fast it went by. That’s awesome that you were able to accomplish your goal and finish a half marathon. I am running a 10K in Austin next weekend and just that seems like a huge stretch for me.

  12. Hey Matty,

    I loved getting to read your introduction and getting to know you through it! Congratulations on graduating this May. I bet you are very excited! It awesome that you have such a happy and simple approach to life, which I believe stems from being so active. I think we all forget to live the moment of life, so it is great that you have that mindset! Good luck the rest of the semester!

  13. Hi Matty! Congrats on being active and completing that marathon. I definitely understand your sweet tooth issue, and was delighted to read that you also like dark chocolate. Most people find it bitter, but I think it's quite good. I like how you bold the important parts of your introduction. It showed which parts are important to you and was quite creative!

  14. Hey Matty, nice to meet you! I think my favorite part of your introduction was the part about being happy wherever you are and with whatever life throws your way. I couldn't agree more with that! It's hard sometimes, but in the end I think the most important thing in life is to be happy and in the end we ultimately decide either to be happy or not! I can also see that we have some similar interests. My favorite thing to do is attend concerts! So far this year I have attended/will be attending nine concerts! I only hope that number grows! lol Recently, I have also found that I love sushi, thanks to one of my new friends. Although I regularly fly planes, my major is aviation, I don't think I could ever go diving. I've tried snorkeling in Hawaii, Bahamas, Mexico and the Dominican and every time I was not a fan. I think I'll stick to the skies! lol Good luck on the rest of your semester!

  15. Hi Matty! I love Katy Perry too. That's a really big range for your majors and minors, I am curious what you plan to do with that. That's great that you are so active. I love peanut butter and sushi too! Sushi gave me food poisoning a few weeks ago, so it will be a while before I can eat it again. But, I cannot wait to get over that so that I can!
