Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary, The Monkey King Unit

I enjoyed the second half of the “Monkey King Unit” readings by R. Wilhelm just as much as the first half!

During the second half of the readings, the magical ape continued with his variety of magical journeys. I found myself being captivated by the parts where the ape would travel by clouds. The descriptive language made it feel like I was doing flips in the sky right there with him!

During the second half of the readings, I noticed that it contained a lot of magical Gods and Goddesses. Some of my favorite characters throughout the second half of my readings included:
Lord of the Heavens
Lord of the Seas
Princes of the Sea
The Talking Stars

One part I didn’t like was when the magical ape met Notscha (the Lord of the Heaven's son). In this part, Notscha grew six arms that carried six different weapons. Notscha was very angry at the ape and tried to kill him.

In contrast, my favorite part of these readings was when it talked about the magical peaches. This story was about the “Queen-Mother of the West” who grew peaches that had magical powers. It described her garden to have three thousand six hundred peaches. The story also stated that the peaches only ripened every three thousand years. Every three thousand years, the Queen Mother of the West would send her “fairy servants” to pluck the peaches. Afterwards, she would hold a huge banquet and invite all of the heavens Gods and Goddesses to eat her fruit. This was my favorite part because of the rich details and beautiful imagery.

For my story this week, I want to incorporate some sort of magical fruit or “Heaven God/Goddess.” I am excited to get my creative juices flowing and to write my new story based off of these ancient Chinese fairy tales!

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