Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 5, Reading Diary: Arabian Nights Unit

I read stories from the “Arabian Nights’ Entertainments” by Andrew Lang. I was not sure what I was getting myself into until I started reading these stories!

The first section of the “Arabian Nights Unit” was very confusing for me. These stories were confusing because they were “stories within stories….within stories.”

The main story was about a king who loved his wife very much. He gave her everything that she ever dreamed of. One day, he found out that she had been unfaithful to him. His anger led him to kill his wife. Since he was so upset, he would marry a new woman every night and then have his servant kill her. This horrific ritual kept repeating and the town soon became depressed and cursed.

One day, a man decided to sacrifice his daughter in order to stop the Sultan’s rage.

The daughter saved herself, as well as many other lives, by telling the Sultan enchanting stories. The stories then had another “story within a story.” The stories were about talking animals, genies, moral lessons and so on. Essentially, the stories had no endings so the Sultan would allow the daughter to stay alive “one more night.”

In this unit, I loved the magical elements and descriptive imagery. It was a little hard to stay on track with the stories, but I found them very entertaining.

I believe the story ended “within a story.” It did not exactly say what happened to the daughter, but I am assuming she stayed alive and saved her life (as well as many other lives).  

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